For the mums and dads who want to stay healthy, and for those who haven’t always felt comfortable in a traditional gym environment, Listen To Your Body in Strathmore, Vic (Australia) focuses on small group training to improve health and fitness. And with traditional measuring methods slowly making their way obsolete, the club has now given all its clients the high-tech advantage with their very own Evolt 360.

From humble beginnings, original LTYB founder Ben Fletcher has grown the brand into 14 studios across Victoria, Western Australia, Queensland and South Australia. The Strathmore club opened its doors in 2008 and has gone from strength to strength ever since.

Choosing The Most Reliable Body Scanner

LTYB Strathmore owner and personal trainer Andrew Frazer said he chose to invest in an Evolt 360 and offer its services to members because it was the most reliable of all similar devices on the market.

“When researching and investigating body scanners, the Evolt team were trustworthy and we’ve always found Evolt to be contactable and eager to trouble shoot any issues,” he said.

“The Evolt 360 itself is also really easy to use.”

Mainly used for retention, any new member who joins LTYB Strathmore is provided with a complimentary body scan, but Andrew has discovered that approximately half of his members continue to scan themselves on an ongoing basis.

He said the initial body scan for incoming members sets a baseline for them and demonstrates the functionality of the machine.

“They then have the option to purchase follow up scans to track their progress,” he said.

“Here at LTYB Strathmore, we even teach members to do the scan themselves, and our personal trainers focus on the follow up chat which includes goal setting and programs.”