CORPORATE WELLNESS: With the events of 2020 really shocking the world to its very core, the wellbeing of citizens everywhere was being impacted significantly.

Sickness and isolation quickly became the norm, with some countries facing more dire situations than others. After seeing severe deterioration in the mental, physical, social and emotional wellbeing of Australian workers, Drake launched the Drake Wellness Hub, joining forces with Evolt to tackle the problem head-on.

Today, the Hub itself brings to market a range of world class, market leading products to positively influence that wellbeing, and to keep their vision as strong as ever, the Evolt 360 body scanner is one of the integral components.

Working Together

The Hub has claimed that organisations aren’t doing enough to support the wellbeing of their workers, but corporate wellbeing should be seen as a necessity these days – not a luxury.

“Workers are in need of the right tools to assist them in their transition to ‘COVID-normal’,” they said.

“In regards to tracking employee health and progress, we believe Drake Biometrics powered by Evolt is the perfect tool to do just that.”

Their belief is that a business or organisation needs to provide workers with the right tools to support all four types of wellbeing – physical, mental, social and financial.

So when it comes to the physical quadrant, the Evolt 360 provides the framework for effective management and is a sound starting point for an employee’s physical wellbeing journey.

Drake International’s Holly Bailey had an Evolt 360 scan done to see for herself how the technology could benefit not only her, but all of the Hub’s clientele.

“For me, I felt really motivated after getting my body composition analysed,” she said.

“It gave me a clear picture of where I’m at in terms of my physical health and provided different ways I could make improvements and adjustments based specifically on the needs of my body.

“It’s important to understand the current state of your health before launching into a new health regime. Drake Biometrics, powered by Evolt, empowers you with the knowledge to make a good decision about where to focus your attention based on your own individual needs.

“I don’t want work to be the reason our health deteriorates. I want workplaces to be the reason why people are well beings.”