The road to achieving a life of better health and wellbeing – in the beginning

Feeling tired and lacking energy was a catalyst for Caitlin Murphy. Not liking what she saw in the mirror ultimately became a turning point when she finally decided enough was enough. So in mid-2020, she did something about it.

Caitlin joined her local PLC gym and at the same time, stood on an Evolt 360 Body Composition Analyzer and faced the numbers to get a clear outlook on where and how she wanted to improve.

It wasn’t easy though. Any training, whether it be weights or cardio never is but Caitlin put in the hard yards and the results speak for themselves – we’re not talking about just a loss in weight though. We’re talking drops in all sorts of areas of her body, from her total body fat percentage and visceral fat, to lean body mass and even her biological age!

Caitlin said she annihilated her first initial goal, which was to lose 13kgs by the end of the year.

“My first big goal was to reach under 100kgs by the end of the year, which I ended up reaching at the end of September!” she said.

“I’ve been training at a functional gym which is a mix of cardio, plyo and weight training; I started off going to 3-4 sessions a week and I now currently attend about 8-10 sessions a week.”

Targeting Key Areas

Combining her exercise regime with nutrition was key, and she tracked all of her meals. After her first Evolt 360 scan at the start of her journey (June 2020), she targeted 3 key areas with the aim of having 45% carbs, 30% protein and 25% fats.

“Knowing how much of each macronutrient to ingest has certainly helped me keep on track of my calories and nutrition,” she revealed.

“I did also initially start out taking fat burner supplements and I also have protein shakes.”

The Results Speak for Themselves

Let’s take a look at Caitlin’s Evolt 360 body scan results so you can see the comparison for yourself! Between June 2020 and March 2021, her 23kg weight loss also came with astonishing results in other forms of measurement.


Measurement Before After
Weight (kg/lbs) 112.0 kg 89.0 kg
Subcutaneous Fat Mass (kg/lbs/%) 36.4 kg 20.6 kg
Visceral Fat Area (cm2) 100.0 cm2 34.0 cm2
Visceral Fat Level 12.0 4.0
Total Body Fat % 37.4 % 25.5 %
Lean Body Mass (kg/lbs) 70.1 kg 66.3 kg
Skeletal Muscle Mass (kg/lbs) 38.3 kg 36.7 kg
Protein (kg/lbs) 13.3 kg 13.5 kg
Bio Age 30 26