5 Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your Evolt 360

Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of a high-tech Evolt 360 body composition analyzer, the world’s most intelligent bio scan machine used and loved by thousands across the globe!

Are you asking yourself, ‘but now what?’

Evolt is here to help you utilize your new Evolt 360 in more ways than one so that your business can continue to see exponential growth. There are so many advantages to having a body scanner and we want to make sure you’re across them all!

To keep your members from walking out the door, we’ve got 5 key tips to ensure you, as well as all your clients and coaches or trainers, get the benefit of having an Evolt 360 at their fingertips.


Now that you have an Evolt 360, you can use it to engage, motivate and retain all your current members.

With the level of consultation that the Evolt 360 offers, providing over 40 body measurements and detailed ongoing tracking, connecting via the Evolt Active app is unmatchable. Continuous consultation and immense motivational power of progress reporting is a huge driver to keep members coming back and pushing for better results.

Ways to retain your members:

  • The Evolt Insights platform is an ideal way to pinpoint which members are not on track to achieve their desired results. It’s also your ideal opportunity to reach out, show them you care and re-engage them with a relevant offer or message.
  • Running challenges (which we’ve discussed down below) because who doesn’t want to become the best version of themselves?!
  • By regularly scanning on the Evolt 360, members can identify and celebrate small incremental body composition changes. Unlike traditional scales, members can see exactly what’s happening internally, which can act as a powerful motivator in driving a successful outcome.

It’s the perfect time to use Evolt Insights to track members’ progress, the workouts they’re doing, where they’re getting their results, who is regressing and valuable data/knowledge about your customer base – age, gender, workouts, goals.