5 Things I Did to Reshape my Body: Finding herself at a weight of 350lbs, Michaela Hines from Kansas City, Missouri (USA) was miserable. In late 2018 she picked herself up and started doing something about it.

ONE – ATE & REFUELLED MY BODY BETTER: The first milestone, over the first three years was to eat and fuel herself better, which saw her successfully get down to 170lbs.

But in early 2020, the pandemic hit, and with the stress of everything around her, Michaela gained back almost 20lbs. It wasn’t until January (2022) that she decided to reclaim her life and get into the swing of things to achieve her health goals.

“I needed to try and finally hit the goals I’d set for myself at the beginning of this journey,” she explains.

TWO – STARTED A FITNESS REGIME: Michaela’s initial goal was to get down to 150lbs and have a total weight loss of 200lbs from her heaviest weight, so she started working out on her own again, just doing cardio. In March she made the leap and joined a new local gym in Kansas City called Chiefs Fit where she began working with a personal trainer.

“He had me do their Evolt 360 scan when I signed up, and wow, it was eye-opening,” the 27-year-old reveals.

THREE – SET A BASELINE & REALISTIC GOALS: “We immediately set goals to lower bio age and body fat percentage. It was so helpful that the Evolt scan told me what my macros should be and how many calories I should be consuming. I began doing a combination of cardio, HIIT and weights, where I worked out once or twice a day.”

For Michaela’s nutrition, she relied heavily on the macros and nutrition guidelines the Evolt 360 scan gave her.

“I use an app called Lose It, which allows me to set my macros and track my food, exercise, weight, measurements, everything,” she says.

“I was disciplined in my food intake and sticking to my nutrition guidelines; I even meal prepped every Sunday afternoon.”

FOUR – TRACKED MY PROGRESS ON THE EVOLT 360: Prior to joining Chiefs Fit, Michaela had heard of the Evolt 360 but never had a scan on one before.

“I love that it truly gives you a full picture of your health,” she explains.

“I’m 4ft 9 and 164lbs now, and if you look at my BMI chart I’m considered ‘obese’. Seeing that chart makes me feel disappointed; knowing that I have put in so much work and still my BMI paints a negative picture of me”.

“The Evolt scan is different though. It tells me my body fat percentage, skeletal mass, lean muscle mass, and gives me an incredible insight into my body and health. Yes, it tells me my weight, but it breaks that down piece-by-piece and allows me to see myself as more than just a number on a weight scale.”