When you’re comfortable with everything happening in life, it can be easy to become overweight by falling into bad habits – especially when you don’t realize they’re bad habits, because they’re just part of everyday living and become what’s normal.

Jay Sinclair was living comfortably. A mine worker, he worked away for half of the year, with most days consisting of extraordinarily oversized camp breakfasts and copious amounts of food during breaks and lunch. Even more of an attraction was the fact it was all free for Jay, but that wasn’t even the half of it.

“In the evenings, you could drink the maximum amount of beers – approximately 10 to 12 – and then make your way to the mess hall to get dinner before it closed, then eating ice cream on your way back to your room and going to sleep,” he revealed.

“I was overweight and wanted to do something about it so I thought either the lap band or try old school exercise.”

“Exercise it was.”