Wondering how you can use the Evolt 360 technology to increase your bottom line by selling memberships and building a new revenue stream?

That’s great because your competition is doing it right now! Some are using it as a stand-alone revenue source, charging for body composition reports, and building a diet and exercise program around it. Others are using it as a magnet to draw people into their facility to check out the new technology.

Think about it, a way of objectively measuring your customer’s health and fitness results based on science. It’s a win for your facility and for your customers. 

The sky’s the limit for programming built around bioscan results. It can take a nutrition and supplement direction, a muscular development direction, a reduced-fat direction, a disease prevention direction, or all of the above plus many others. Personal trainers for example see the Evolt 360 as a means of expanding their services through the roof, which means the health club owner wins again. Similarly for other professions in the health space, the Evolt 360 is ideal for upselling or cross-selling services!

Public health has done much of the preliminary work for you making virtually everyone aware of the effects that inactivity and diet have on diseases like cancer rates, hypertension, diabetes, stroke, heart attack, and much more. Never before has the health and fitness industry had the tools for metabolic measurements for these life-changing illnesses to the extent a bioscan can now deliver.